Rally NZ Club Inc Membership Form Full Name *Email Address *Mobile Phone *Postal Address *CityZIP / Postal CodeGender *FemaleMaleOtherAge range *Under 1919-2526-3536-6061 PlusCompeting or Non Competing *CompetingNon CompetingI wish to: *Apply for a new Membership Renew my MembershipResignPlease acknowledge *YesNOTES: 1. As a member of the Rally NZ Club Inc I undertake to adhere to the rules of the club. 2.It is a requirement of the Incorporated Societies act; that if you no longer wish to be a member of the Rally NZ Club that you must resign. 3.The membership year runs from 1 Jan to 31 Dec.I agree to receive emails from the Club *YesNoMembership Payment (Non-competing)Ordinary: Non competitor - $30Fee must be paid to Rally NZ Club Inc ASB Account 12-3233-0608424-00 and proof of payment sent to info@rallynz.org.nz Membership Payment (Competing)Ordinary Member: Holds competition license - $50 Fee must be paid to Rally NZ Club Inc ASB Account 12-3233-0608424-00 and proof of payment sent to info@rallynz.org.nz I hereby apply for membership of the Rally New Zealand Club Incorporated and agree to abide by its rules and regulations.Start signing your signature hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.Send Message 623Share on Facebook103Share on Twitter108Share on LinkedIn