APRC Finale – Intention to compete

Great news – MotorSport New Zealand, Rally Otago and Rally of Whangarei will nominate the top 3 qualifying drivers across these two rallies to enter the APRC Final in Coffs Harbour, Australia in November. Drivers must fill out the intention to compete form below before Rally Otago to qualify for points at Rally Otago and Rally of Whangarei. Points will be allocated based on the FIA Regional Rally Sporting Regulations point schedule. The top three qualifying drivers will win a spot to compete at the APRC Final in Coffs Harbour. MSNZ will also be able to nominate two further drivers to compete at the APRC Final.

All five finalists will be able to access $3,000NZD to assist them in competing at the event.

Qualifying competitors will only have to pay the discounted 500 euro APRC registration fee once they qualify.


At Round 1 and 2, points will be awarded in accordance with 8.8.1 to those Competitors who have expressed an “Intention to Compete” at the APRC Final. The top three Competitors who have gained the highest aggregate number of points over both Round 1 and 2 will be eligible for a position to compete at the APRC final as per Article 9.3. MotorSport New Zealand will also award two “wild card” entries at their discretion.


APRC Finale – Intention to compete Form